Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Dream Joke

I dreamed that I made up this joke:

What did the idiot say before he jumped?

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Dream: 2 Underprivileged, 1 with new Opportunity

Both the boss & the worker had a working mutual hating relationship. The worker came to know God in 3 months time, while the boss continued to love money more than anything. Both the worker & boss had been working on some project for boys/underprivileged teens where they’d get to play basketball or something-anyway the project would make millions & both would be rich. When they called to say it didn’t work out, the worker hung up the phone before they were done. Then the worker called another one, a boy, to break the bad news to him but to tell him of the good news, his plan that had been inspired to him.
At the end of the dream, both men were weeping: the boss was saying, “I hate him,” and how he wanted to rip him limb from limb, and was screaming his frustration, while the worker said the words, “I hate him no more”-thus are the words of one touched by God & the other touched by the devil.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Dream game

Made up and played a new indoor sport with a large group of kids. We made it up as we played. It’s like 4 team volleyball with no nets, but there is space between each team’s territory which is neutral zone. You try to hit the ball into another teams zone. They try not to let it hit the ground. If the first bounce after it is hit by a player hits the ground in another team’s territory then it is a point for the team who hit it there. If the first bounce hits the ground in the neutral zone then it is no point, and whichever team gets it first gets to hit it to another team to start play again. The game doesn’t stop after a point has been scored. If the team who’s scored against hits the ball before the second bounce, then the ball is still in play. Looking back, I’m not sure why they would want to do that instead of just serving it again, but let’s say that they get more points that way if they score against another team by hitting it on a recovery after a point has been scored against them. Actually, not on second thought, I think you could catch it and throw it after running if you were in your same base-I don’t remember, but maybe you had to hit it to serve.

The game was just made up as we played in my dream. It was just a mass of boys running around hitting a ball, with some of the more influential kids calling the shots as to how the game rules formed. Kids were playing all different ways and by all different rules as the game was made up, but I wrote down my list of rules and later reintroduced it to the group before I woke up.