Monday, July 20, 2009

New Zealand - sort of

I dreamed I was in New Zealand surrounded by marvelous giant green mountains. There were black rock cliffs and lots of lush, green foliage-a place of my dreams. (I don't think New Zealand really has this place. I think this place was better than New Zealand. It's probably more like a mix of Brazil and China.) As we drove past, I reached my hand out the window and caught a firebelly toad, to show my friend Reed, who was in the car too. And then there were blue tongue skinks in this visitors centre area.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

I dreamed I had some fruit and vegetables growing in Utah that I could eat whenever I went home. I was telling Mom about them, but then it was time for dinner and there was this cool little homemade roller coaster thing the Rachel made that went around a string in the shape of the galaxy (Just a light for the sun, and the earth, moon, and Mars). If you held it it could get through the loop around the moon; otherwise the string would get in the way.